Sunday, January 7, 2018

Itipar Videos (Similar to Public Freakout Videos)

I love Itipar videos.  One might wonder what an "Itipar" video is.  "Itipar" is a word that I made up - derived from the phrase "Interesting Things in Public and Retail," which was basically the name of a playlist that I've had on YouTube.  Since I'm interested in creating concise terms, last year, I created the acronym "ITIPAR" (since I couldn't think of any better way to describe the videos) - but eventually started stylizing it as "Itipar" since I thought that it looked better.

Even the name "Interesting Things in Public and Retail" might seem a bit ambiguous, and I suppose that it is because the concept refers to different types of activities.  However, Itipar videos basically feature a lot of crazy, abnormal things in public - and private places open to the public - like retail establishments (e.g. supermarkets, gas stations, restaurants, malls, etc.).

Itipar videos often feature people getting into loud, shouting arguments in public places - or doing pranks like jumping from the second story of a mall - or making prank intercom announcements - or riding bicycles in stores.  Itipar videos are just so much fun because they can be so exciting and funny - and show people doing things that one doesn't normally see - but would often love to see.

I first started liking Itipar videos around 2008 - when I watched videos by TheBROMINSHIP - including "Stop At a Green Light...and More" - uploaded on May 29, 2008, "Sleeping in Department Store Beds" - uploaded on May 29, 2008, and "Reverse Drive-Thru" - uploaded on May 28, 2008.  However, my interest in Itipar videos kicked into high gear in early 2009 - and became interested in videos like "I Want My Chicken! FAT MAN Screams For Chicken Sandwich" - originally uploaded by ManOnTheStreetTV.

There are other examples of Itipar videos.  One is "Best Buy Scream" – uploaded by tox0tes on July 5, 2008 - where a guy just walks into a Best Buy, suddenly screams loudly, and then leaves.  Another is "I Want Real Chicken!!! (Full Video)" - uploaded by W0Went on October 22, 2009 - where a guy actually brings a live chicken, flapping its wings, into a McDonald's and shows it to a cashier.  Yet another example is "Mark Dice Bullhorns Barnes & Noble (Inside Store)[.]"

More examples of Itipar videos include but are not limited to "Funny As Hell!!! Wal-mart Prank!!!" - uploaded by Logan3574 on April 4, 2008, "Wal Mart Attack" - uploaded by ransum2256 on October 2, 2006, "Being stupid at Wal-Mart" - uploaded by prcruz15 on December 24, 2010, and "Walmart: Jousting" - uploaded by MoonStreetlightStar on July 15, 2008.

There are countless examples of Itipar videos that I could give, but hopefully, one gets the idea.  Related videos to Itipar videos are public freakout videos, viral videos, flash mob videos, and videos of fights uploaded on WorldStarHipHop.  However, Itipar videos have a more particular meaning - in that they do not necessarily feature people shouting or getting overly angry or emotional - nor are they necessarily viral videos or feature flash mobs.  Itipar videos just show unusual things happening in public places, which often include videos in the previously-mentioned categories.  Itipar videos can be public freakout videos, but they can also be prank videos, which I don't think are necessarily public freakout videos.  The term "Itipar" refers to a wide range of videos.

I think that I sought Itipar videos because I rarely saw anything crazy happening in public places - or at least, my curiosity just inspired me.  It is just interesting to see such outlandish things happening in public - where nobody expects to see them - and when many people can react to them.  I also strongly prefer videos by ordinary people - not obviously-staged ones by highly popular YouTubers (even though Mark Dice is highly popular, nothing in his bullhorn video suggested that the event was staged).  I should also note that although many Itipar videos are fun to watch, I have great respect for people working in retail, and I don't support destructive pranks.

I haven't watched many Itipar videos in a while, but they are fun to watch once in a while - at least for the sake of nostalgia.

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